Wednesday, August 31, 2005

To Whom Much is Given

The Pew Research Center just released the results of some new polling on issues related to religion. A lot of the numbers are discouraging. Considering the Christian background of America, how widespread churches and other Christian influences are, our freedoms, and the technology that exists, for example, these polling results are pathetic. We read:

"Despite the growing national debate over the teaching of evolution, there is little evidence that school discussions of evolution are upsetting to students. Just 6% of parents with children in school say their child has mentioned feeling uncomfortable when the subject of evolution comes up at school. Comparably small numbers of parents say their children have expressed unease when the subjects of religion or homosexuality have come up at their child's school."

What would be influencing these children before they go to school and when they're outside of school? Parents, grandparents, pastors, etc. And if these influences aren't doing much to teach them the truth, the significance of the truth, and how to defend the truth, we can expect the sort of results we see in this recent Pew research.