Tuesday, February 15, 2005

On Real Unclear Things

Just posted on the Reformed Catholicism blog:
I think we should steer clear of saying that anything is "clear" or that there is a "plain meaning" of a text. This is a fairly naive Epistemology. This is more of a Modernist Epistemology (read Foundationalist or Correspondance/Coherentist theory of truth), and has been thoroughly Deconstructed by Postmodernism. . . . We cannot escape our presuppositions, and this is what Derrida is saying. All of life is a "text" and all of life is "interpretation". . . . Thus, the community of faith can only come to meaning in so far as it participates in God (building off of the chief theme of Radical Orthodoxy, that something only *is* insofar as it participates in the Triune God, which guards against any sort of autonomy of thought). How do we participate in God? I would argue for three ways in which we participate in God: through divine liturgy and the aesthetics thereof, through the eucharist, and through baptism. Hence, all of our knowledge and interpretation is predicated through the community of faith by participating in the divine.

I'd respond, but post-modernism has deconstructed my ability to ascertain the "plain meaning" of the author's words above. Moreover, even if I were to respond (in spite of that hurdle), post-modernism has deconstructed your ability to figure out just what I said in the response. In fact, if you think you understood what I just said, you're wrong. You can't understand it--no one can--because we are all hopelessly enslaved to Modernism. There's no use reading anything--blog, article, book--because you'll just never be able to decipher it meaningfully.

I have an idea--let's treat the post-modernists the way they think the real world works. The ridiculous conclusions and ramifications they come up with, based on pomo writers, should be viewed and treated for what they truly are--incomprehensible and self-contradictory nonsense. Maybe we should just ignore them and leave them with their agenda-based inability to understand everyone else.